About us

She likes to describe herself as a social entrepreneur and a strong advocate of healthy and environmentally friendly ways of living. She loves to learn and share all the good experiences which may bring a positive change in the life of others.  With two master’s degree under her belt and a varied work experience which ranges from teaching, working in NGOs, semi government organizations, content writing and international education, she enjoys taking on new challenges. Currently she is pursuing an online course from London School of Journalism on ‘Internet Journalism’. In her spare time, she likes to travel, read, and practice music. 

 The vision behind healthybytes is to provide a platform for meaningful content and conversations and to become a catalyst for a new, heightened and socially responsible human race.

The mission is to share inspiring stories of people who are working tirelessly to bring a positive change in the life on this planet; help people to adopt a healthy and happy lifestyle which is in complete harmony with nature.


We are looking for talent who have the drive to take this forum to the next level. If you have the passion, the skills and the spirit to scale up, drop a ‘hi’ at healthybytesin@gmail.com. 

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